The Cast of Saunmoor

The world of the Saunmoor series is vast and growing. Below you will find my cast of intrepid characters, beginning with the Morley family, and spoiler free. This list will be added to and expanded over time.

Emelyn Elizabeth Morley: Age 23, the Belle of Brighton, of red hair and green eyes, she is the eldest of the three Morley daughters, and expected to marry to save her family’s estate from financial collapse. Despite a fearless inquisitive nature, her application to the matter of finding a match is less energetic than her mother might wish.
Sarah Anne Morley: Emelyn’s sister. Age 20, with generous freckles, red hair and green eyes. Sarah is the tallest and most pious of her sisters, as well as being the most talented hand at harpsichord, embroidery, and certain other accomplishments.
Isabelle Marie Morley: Emelyn’s little sister, age 16, with blond hair and freckles. Bell is both youngest and most petite of the three Morley girls, and aside from a keen talent for violin she holds the distinction of shortest temper.
Deacon Robert Morley: Emelyn’s erudite brother. Age 28, with black hair and hazel eyes. Decon makes use of crutches to walk, having lamed himself after a fall from a tree when he was a child, though his acerbic wit remains undimmed.
John Hiram Morley: Emelyn’s father. Age 55, with graying brown hair and dark hazel eyes. Mr. Morley is a senior partner with Morley Maritime, a struggling shipping interest based out of London and Brighton. A fair handed patriarch, he is the tallest and perhaps most careworn of the Morley family.
Antonia Ruth Prescott Morley: Emelyn’s mother. Age 52, with dark red hair and brown eyes. Considered still a great beauty, she married into wealthy gentry when she matched with Hiram Morley, though financial difficulties have ensued, making her all the more aggressive in her quest to barter her most beautiful daughter for the promise of financial deliverance.