Saunmoor Book I:
Emelyn Morley and the Waking Dark
Step into the immersive world of my debut novel, historical fiction with a supernatural twist.

Saunmoor Book I:
A Visual Companion

My first companion volume will add a new dimension to the story: 100+ pages with sections detailing major settings in the story, including Hastelbrook, London, Saunmoor and others, with all sorts of tidbits from Georgian England of 1735, including notes on Food, Dances, Fashion, News and Politics touched on in the novel, as well as an exhaustive cast list of speaking characters including Friends, Family, Enemies, Vampires and Suitors in pursuit of Emelyn's heart, with maps, floor plans, Family Tree, and the Mysteries of Saunmoor touching on the Bloodstone, the Hooded Statue, Lord Cumberstone, the Queen's Curse, and the mysterious Prophecy, as well as bonus Lore expanding on things mentioned in passing, such as the legend of Long Mary Wretch.
Update 12-9-2024
Intensive work continues for the Visual Companion to my first novel, Emelyn Morley and the Waking Dark! The VC will be a large bright photo and art book featuring, among other things:
- Origin story for every vampire featured in the novel, including Afaine, Lord Simeon, Vorsadat, Tredavius, the vampire queen Pazoa Qiminossa, Morion, and Vaela.
- Photos of period coinage, including a 1735 gold guinea, a bronze coin of Saunmoor featuring the Queen and the Red Eye of the Cathedral, as well as the Morley family signet stamped in wax, the seal of Mr. Loganbrek and his flourishing letter, the Morley family Coat of Arms, family portraits, and family tree.
- A large section dedicated to the cast of Emelyn's world, with every speaking character depicted in photoreal quality, with biographical information and relevant quotes.
- The world of daylight: explore scenes and places from Hastelbrook, including the garden maze, the village shops, the church of Hastelbrook Minister, and many other locales.
- The world of darkness: then turn to Saunmoor, learn a bit about its history, the Dark Queen and her children of blood, the Lurkmen, with maps and photos of her dark realm.
- Letters and poetry: who is Lord Cumberstone? Read tidbits and poems, some from the novel, and some exclusive to the Visual Comanion.
- England of 1735: delve into the common culture in dress, food, dancing, shopping, sports, ghost stories of the time, and more, with complementary images.
- The seedy chaos of London: peruse an enormous map of London, drawn up in 1735, with key locations and images related to Emelyn's adventures.
- The Suitors: with the pressure to marry reaching fever pitch, Emelyn is bombarded with potentials, past and present. From the brief flirtations of John Lawford to towering presence of Lord Van Croft, get to know a little bit about the gentleman who took their aim at the Belle of Brighton.
And more besides! Including some floor plans, lore tidbits and teasers for what comes next.
The Emelyn Morley and the Waking Dark VC will be a visual extravaganza that perfectly compliments the novel, printed in large 8.5 x 11" format in glorious glossy color. Check out the Front and Back cover
in the Art of Saunmoor Gallery.
Saunmoor Book II:
Emelyn Morley and the House of Galecliff
The second book in the series is nearly complete.

Coredawn has been an ongoing project for 30 years. I've recently greatly revamped the first published story from this sci-fi universe, first publsihed in 2013, coming soon to print.

One of my numerous side projects, Nantucket Monsters is a fun little photo book, where I reinterpret my own photos to find spooky monsters in plain sight, with rhyming couplets for each.