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Gothic, historical, and science fiction with supernatural savor
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“masterful... The rich prose maintains a consistently ominous atmosphere. A dark, absorbing mystery..."
-Kirkus Reviews

Emelyn Morley and the Waking Dark: Long has the kingdom of Saunmoor slept in the gloom, but no longer. In Georgian England of 1735, under every pressure to marry and save her family's crumbling estate, Emelyn Morley discovers a watcher in the dark, and learns there is more to her fate than domestic daylight.

Check out current and upcoming releases by B. Lawson Hull

The world of Saunmoor is vast and growing. Here you'll find my spoiler-free cast of characters, beginning with a chance to get to know more about the Morley family, and our heroine Emelyn Elizabeth.

Who is Lord Cumberstone?

Dive into a gallery of captivating art inspired by the themes and characters of Emelyn Morley and the Waking Dark. Admire the intricate details and unique interpretations brought to life by talented artists.

Checkout my bio and join the official Saunmoor member list, which I will be sending out once per week. The updates will include the very latest news on my continuing series, some amusing historical tidbits, artwork and more.

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